Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sofias Bautizo

So we got the bautizo done and over with. It was great. The mass was really nice and the actual baptism was too. Sofia was really good throughout the whole thing. So she is officially free of the original sin. Now it is up to us and our new compadres to teach her and guide her through a life with God. And I have faith we will do a good job. The weather was really good too, Im so glad it didnt rain! Our little get together went well, except for one little family emergency but God is the only one who will take care of that. All my family and a few friends joined us in our celebration. The food was awesome everything was sooo good. And I am so thankful for my aunt because she is always helping me so much without even thinking twice about it. I have a wonderful family. Everyone joined us at the most important part which was the mass and I appreciate them very much for that. It meant alot to me. Anywho. All her gifts were sooo cute too. She recieved a Dora the Explorer folding chair, a two piece bathing suit and some beach sandles, a palais royal gift card, a nice bag, her own childrens bible and some money for her acct. God is GREAT!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Poker Nite Thursday's

Thursday. Today like every Thursday is one of those days that Victor really annoys me! Lol. I mean why cant he sit his butt at home? Whats the point in going to his buddies house and coming home stupid drunk? I'm trying to get used to it but I cant it just irritates the shit out of me that he does that. I know that we all need a break once in a while because trust me my Fridays at Rancho are mine lol but thats one night for me, now that hes off Thursday, Friday and Saturday he will take those 3 days. Idk I guess I'm gonna have to slap him around a few times to get him to listen. I think what really irritates me is that he'll tell me so many different lies, small ones but still why bother? Like i'm on my way or i'll be there soon and things like that. Sorry I just had to vent a little lol, I'll just wait for him and surprise him with a punch in the face lol jk.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Planning the bautizo

Sofias bautizo is only 5 days away and I honestly have no clue what I'm gonna do. It started off being a big party with music, food, drinks and alot of fun but then I got to thinkin'...its a sacrament of God not a reason to get drunk and party like many people think. Then my dads first cousin (my 2nd uncle) got diagnosed with cancer and is not doing too well so I knew there was no way my dad would even get near to a party. So our plans now are just a nice dinner at our house with family and close friends to help us celebrate our daughters baptism. BUT....its supposed to rain Saturday so idk if we're still gonna go with our plan. And thats one of the main reasons we havent passed out invites yet...sorry! Regardless of anything though there will be a baptism that day at 12pm even if there isnt a dinner.

My pride and joy...

Sofia Guadalupe is her name. yep my daughter. She was born December 29, 2007. Definitely a gift from God. She wasnt planned or expected but very very welcomed by me, daddy and our loved ones. She's now 16 months and a big girl. Very healthy. She's a little bit of everything. She's silly, very silly. She talks all day long and you wont understand a thing she's trying to say. At night when its time for bed.....still talking lol. She's being potty trained fun!!! NOT. She's a good girl though, she will throw her fits sometimes... but hey what princess doesnt??? Her baptism is coming up this Saturday and I still have no clue what we're gonna do lol. Thats a Mexican for ya. Last minute planners. Anywho. I love my baby. She's so much fun. I love dressing her up. I like trying to fix her hair but the little problem is that she hardly has no hair so its a little difficult to make pony tails and piggy tails and all that fun stuff. I try though. She loves her daddy to death. She cries the minute he steps out of her sight. Its sweet. She loves me too. She always puts her head on me, whether it be my shoulder, my arm, my stomach, legs, whatever is closer to her. I see that as a trust gesture. I hope she can see me as a friend as well as her mommy one day and she can tell me everything and be as close to me as I am to my mother.

New to this...

Ok so this is my first blog and I'm fairly new to this whole website soooo bare with me. : ) My name is Jessica Nacianceno, I'm 22 years old gonna be 23 in July. I have a beautiful, precious, adorable 16 month old daughter named Sofia Guadalupe Nacianceno. I'll brag more about her later. My parents Juan and Julieta Nacianceno are the best ever, they've been married for ummm....27 years I think lol. I have 2 sisters that I love with all my heart, Nelly and Monica. 2 brothers, Tito and Abraham. 5 nieces and 3 nephews. I have a huge family here and in Mexico that slowly but surely u will meet throughout this blog. The pics on the side are the ones i'm with the most. I love my family.